Thursday, April 2, 2009


Kashyyyk is a planet covered in forest and is home to the Wookies. It is not seen in the original trilogy, but it was supposed to be instead of Endor, and have Wookies instead of Ewoks. It is most elaborately seen in Episode III. although it is first seen in the star wars Christmas special in which Han and Chewbacca try to get back home for christmas


Tatooine is a desert planet found in the outer rim, it is in every movie except the empire strikes back.
It is the home planet of the skywalker's (Luke and Anakin) and is decribed by Obi-wan Kenobi as a 'wretched hive of scum and villainy' in a new hope.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Coruscant is the capital of the Republic and the Galactic Empire, it was ment to feature in Episode IV, but the budget wouldn't allow it, so they replaced what was ment to take place on Coruscant, with what happened on the Death Star. It is featured in episodes I, II and III. Coruscant is an entire planet covered by an entire City. The Jedi Temple is found on Coruscant, along with the senate.

Star Wars

Star wars is a Chronicle of movies, thought up by George Lucas. 6 movies in all, but it has countless amounts of games, toys, books, TV mini series, 3D movies. It is set a long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away. This blog is a list of some of the Planets and Races in the Star Wars Universe, as well as some of the main characters.